11630 SE 40th Ave, Suite C, Milwaukie, OR 97222 503.974.9283

Office Hours
Mon-Thurs 8:30-5:30
Friday 8:30-4:30



Naturopathy Milwaukie, Oregon

Naturopathy is a balance of the ancient healing arts and modern medicine. It is guided predominately by the principle of vis medicatrix naturae – the healing power of nature. In essence, the body has the inherent ability to heal itself. This ability sometimes needs assistance and support due to daily stresses and environmental exposures.

Naturopaths are primary care physicians who have received undergraduate degrees before they have completed four years in Naturopathic medical school. Similar to medical doctors, Naturopaths obtain a strong foundation in the sciences of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology training. The difference between the two professions lies predominantly in philosophic approaches and modalities employed to treat patients.

Strengths unique to Naturopaths are comprehensive training in nutritional education, diet/lifestyle counseling, botanical medicine, homeopathy and other natural modalities. Our treatment modalities are chosen to support your natural healing processes. Educating the patient on ways to modify diet and lifestyle are equally important to Naturopaths.

This preventative medicine lays the path toward long-term, functional health. Identification and treatment of the underlying root cause of the disease, or dys-ease (the absence of comfort), is needed before the body can begin the innate process of healing. We palliate symptoms when necessary. However, focusing on palliation exclusively can force the disharmony deeper into the body, causing further pathology. Symptoms are the story of a disease process. By reading them clearly and within context, we can begin treatment of the original disharmony, which slows or halts the progression of the disease and down stream symptoms.

We are guided by these six principles:

Vis medicatrix naturae “The healing power of nature” · Tolle causam “Identify and Treat the Cause” · Primum no nocere “First do no harm” · In perturbato animo sicut in corpore sanitas esse non potest “Treat the Whole Person” · Docere “The physician as teacher” · Principiis obsta: sero medicina curatur “Prevention is Cure”

Who We Treat

At Flow Natural Health Care LLC we treat people, not their diseases. Therefore, we treat people of all ages, in all stages of health or disease, and enjoy working with the entire family. As Naturopathic doctors, we are able to perform and order lab work, x-rays and prescribe many antibiotics and various pharmaceuticals. The following is a brief summary of the various medical conditions we treat. Please note that we are very passionate about the holistic patient. Therefore, we are excited to consult individuals about behavioral, lifestyle and emotional well-being.

If you are not seeing a particular condition in this list please Contact Us and ask.